Mediation Guide





What to expect


We offer a safe and respectful space.

We understand how difficult and overwhelming it can be to navigate through separation. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to create a safe and comfortable space where you will feel heard, validated and optimistic about the future.

With this in mind, we feel it is important for you to be as prepared as possible and know what to expect from the mediation process.


The Teal mediation process involves five phases:

First Contact and Joint Discovery Call

This is the first step towards cooperating under the guidance of a mediator. Before scheduling any mediation sessions, we recommended that all parties seek legal advice prior to entering mediation.

To initiate first contact with us, you will be asked to book a JOINT DISCOVERY CALL. This complimentary JOINT DISCOVERY CALL - that you will attend together - takes place via phone or video and allows us to get to know each other better to see if we’re a good fit for you.

To book your JOINT DISCOVERY CALL, you will be asked to provide us with some basic information so we can connect you with the mediator and services that best meet your needs.

This initial conversation gives us the chance to discuss the mediation process and answer any questions you might have. We’ll review your personal reasons for participating in mediation and your expected outcomes.

It is important to note that after the JOINT DISCOVERY CALL, there is no obligation on your part to proceed with our services and on occasion, we may determine that mediation is not the most appropriate process in your circumstances and will let you know.

The ‘official’ mediation process only begins when you have agreed to participate and have chosen us as your mediator. This is formally decided in the next phase.


  1. Book Joint Discovery Call

  2. Attend Joint Discovery Call


Initial Individual Meetings

Once you have selected us as your mediator, INTAKE FORMS are completed online and an AGREEMENT TO MEDIATE is signed by both parties.

Next you will each receive hardcopies of your OUR FAMILY IN TWO HOMES or OUR FAMILY IN FEW HOMES workbooks with instructions for you to complete the workbooks on your own time.

INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS are then scheduled to get to know each of you better, discuss your goals and interests, and gather important background information to assist us in designing your mediation process.*

*PLEASE NOTE: On occasion, following the individual meetings we may determine that upon receiving further information, mediation may not be the most appropriate process for you and will advise you of such.


  1. Intake forms completed

  2. Agreement to Mediate signed

  3. Complete “Our Family” workbook(s)

  4. Individual meetings


Mediation Preparation

Following the individual meetings, a joint mediation planning meeting may be scheduled to jointly identify the issues to be mediated and discuss the design of the mediation process, including disclosure requirements and whether lawyers or other professionals should participate in the process.

In circumstances where there are support and property issues to be resolved, it is important for participants to EXCHANGE FINANCIAL INFORMATION prior to mediating these issues.

Our team will assist you with facilitating the exchange of documents required as part of the mediation process.


  1. Attend mediation planning meeting if requested

  2. Gather and exchange financial information


Joint Mediation Sessions

JOINT MEDIATION SESSIONS are conducted with the two of you and the mediator where we will explore ways to resolve the issues and arrive at a resolution for each issue.

Each mediation session is typically 2-3 HOURS in duration. The number of mediation sessions required varies depending on the number of issues and complexity, and how much discussion is required to reach agreement.


  1. Joint mediation sessions


Drafting of Settlement Document

At the conclusion of the mediation, we will prepare a MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, a PARENTING PLAN, or both, setting out the terms you have agreed upon.

You then take these documents to your independent lawyers who can assist you with incorporating the terms you have agreed upon into a legally binding SEPARATION AGREEMENT or contract.


  1. Memorandum of Understanding

  2. Parenting Plan (if applicable)

  3. Take documents to lawyers


Let’s connect.

Book a Complimentary Joint Discovery Call

If you think we might be a good fit for you, let’s connect.


Why Choose Teal?


Mediation Resources